It’s been real, it’s been good.

Dear Phoenix,

Now that the semester is over, I’m trying to decide if I’d like to keep this blog going, or if I’d like to revert back to my Blogspot travel blog.

Betcha didn’t know I had one of those, did ya?

Because most of my travels are outside of Phoenix, I’m leaning towards putting all my posts there.

I also want to write in a far less formal fashion.

So, if you still want to read about my adventures and whatnot (in posts that are far longer than 200-300 words), take a trip down to that URL and read up.



Dear Phoenix,

It’s difficult to travel when you’re a student, but a unique travel opportunity is available to ASU students. It’s called the ASU Outdoors Club, and it is a way for like-minded students to pool resources in a way to make adventuring more practical and social. Watch member Thomas Hawthorne describe his experience with ASU Outdoors Club.


Gear Tips: What you need to go backpacking.

Dear Phoenix,

If you  haven’t already gathered, I really enjoy backpacking. So I created a quick vlog explaining the items you will absolutely need if you plan on going backpacking. Give it a quick watch to get a feel for the kind of equipment you will need for a night in the wilderness with your feet as the only form of transportation.

Keep those feet in good shape!


The Journey is the Destination

Dear Phoenix,

The artistic journals of Dan Eldon are an inspiration to me. Someday, I want to take the initiative and travel to a different country (far, far away from Phoenix) on my own. It’s nothing personal, Phoenix, but sometimes I just want to get away. I’m sure you understand. So, here is who Dan Eldon is and why I feel this way about him and adventuring as a whole.

Love and long adventures,
